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Nokia Android phones

We at NokiaAndroidPhones.com provides latest Nokia mobile phone news, reviews, comparison with other new Nokia mobiles.

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BLU Cell Phones

BLUCellPhones.us covers the latest unlocked BLU Cell Phones news, BLU mobile reviews, comparison with other phones.

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Bullet Train project to affect 54,000 Mangrove trees – Development at the cost of Environment?

When PM Narendra Modi had announced the high-speed bullet train project in India in September 2017, few would have imagined the impact on the ecology of the region around the proposed Mumbai-Ahmedabad route. In response to question raised by Shiv Sena legislator ManeeshaKayande in the state Legislative Council, state transport minister Diwakar Raote said Monday confirmed that close to 54,000 mangrove trees spread over 13 hectares would be affected due to the construction.However, he clarified that the number of trees cut down would be far less as the height of the pillars would be well above the trees and the damage to environment would be limited. As a compensatory measure, the Government has also proposed to plant five times the number of trees felled for the bullet train project.

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home remedies for cold

Here are Top 10 cold remedies to try at home that will have you feeling better before you know it. Eat chicken soup,Salt water gargle,Give your nose a massage,Steam,Turmeric,Sleep,Honey Onion Syrup etc.

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