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Directory EmpireListing Details
ID: | 34436 | |
Title: | 3rd Global Heart Congress | |
URL: | https://heartcongress.pulsusconference.com/ | |
Category: | Fitness Health: Conferences | |
Description: | Cardiology Conferences regards each one of the individuals to go to the "3rd Global Heart Congress" amidst September 18-19, 2019 at Edinburgh, Scotland which melds brief keynote presentations, speaker talks, Exhibition, Symposia, and Workshops. | |
Meta Keywords: | Heart, Heart Conference, Cardiology. Healthcare | |
Meta Description: | We, cordially welcome researchers, academicians, students and business professionals in the field of cardiology and health care of heart from around the world to participate in the upcoming Heart Congress 2019. | |
Link Owner: | Sony | |
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