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Directory EmpireListing Details
ID: | 35819 | |
Title: | International conference on surgery and transplantation | |
URL: | http://surgerycongress.alliedacademies.com/ | |
Category: | Fitness Health: Conferences | |
Description: | 4th International Conference and Expo on Surgery and Transplantation" which is going to be held on 22-July-2019 to 23-July-2019 in Brussels, Belgium which includes various people presenting their research in the form of brief keynote speech, speaker talks, Workshops, Symposium, Speaker sessions and Exhibition covering a range of topics and important issues which may be helpful for us all from the research to the practical implementations. | |
Meta Keywords: | surgery, conference, transplantation, congress, plastic surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, ent surgery, bariatric surgery, eye surgery, urosurgery, stem cell transplantation, laparoscopy, microsurgery, cosmetic surgery | |
Meta Description: | This international conference will be act as a platform for Surgery and Transplant Specialists, healthcare professionals, clinicians, researchers, academicians, statisticians, business professionals | |
Link Owner: | Harry Smith | |
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